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Pitch Workshop ASAP BW Finalist

At the digital pitch workshop, the finalists will learn what makes a good pitch and how they can best structure their pitch for the final. They will also get a first introduction to the streaming tool that will be used to organize the final.

Dress rehearsal ASAP BW finalists

Here the finalists are familiarized with the course of the final, have a technique check and can clarify any final questions.

ASAP BW Final #11

The 11th ASAP BW Final will take place from 4 to 7 p.m., where the best teams from THE LÄND will pitch their ideas live via Veertly in front of a panel of experts and the audience. You can expect exciting ideas and the minds behind them, a little insight into the start-up ecosystem and […]

ASAP BW Final #12

The 12th ASAP BW final will take place, where the best teams from THE LÄND can pitch their ideas. Exciting ideas and the minds behind them await you, as well as a little insight into the country's startup ecosystem.

International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES)

The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES) is an interactive conference that unites innovation and entrepreneurship professionals from universities, corporates, and startups from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience. Its focus is on exchanging ideas, inspiring and learning from each other.

Application start: ASAP Final #13

Date: 07.01.2025 The application phase for the 13th ASAP Final, the Campus Competition, starts on 07.01.2025. All information about the application and the ASAP Final can be found on the website. Apply NOW More Informations

Q&A-Session: ASAP Final #13

Date: 27.01.2025 Time: 5 pm Place: Zoom: Do you still have questions about the application or ASAP Finale itself? On January 27 at 5 pm there will be a short Q&A session via Zoom, where we will briefly go through the process again and answer your questions.You don't have to register for the Q&A […]

Application deadline: ASAP Final #13

Date: 07.01.2025 The application phase for the 13th ASAP Final ends on February 1st at 10 am. All information about the application and the ASAP final can be found on the website. More Informations

ASAP Final #13

Date: 12.12.2025 Location: Online The 13th ASAP BW final will take place, where the best teams from THE LÄND can pitch their ideas. Exciting ideas and the minds behind them await you, as well as a little insight into the country’s startup ecosystem. More Informations Watch ASAP Final #13

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